My Secret Ski Weapon

"Wow, you look better on your skis today than you did all last season," my ever-so-charming husband said to me after our first run one day last month. It was an awkward compliment, but I couldn't argue with him. While I did eventually get to a point where I could make it from the top... Continue Reading →

Stuff & Things: A Life Update, Vol. 2

As usual, I've let things go far too long without writing about them. And, as usual, I've made an unofficial "resolution" to revive this site and write more regularly. We'll see how long that actually lasts. (As usual.) Much like the last time I did a life update post, I'll do my best to not... Continue Reading →

The Saddest Winter

As I look out my window and watch it rain instead of snow for what seems like the 100th time this winter, it's hard to not feel a little sad. Maybe it seems worse than it really is because I'm comparing it to last year's epically snowy winter instead of a "normal" winter. And maybe... Continue Reading →

What counts?

Ugh. I accidentally took two rest days in a row this week, which is something I: a) hadn't done in a while, and b) was really hoping to avoid in 2013. Also, it always makes me feel really shitty about myself, even though deep down I would really much rather be a lazy blob--who eats... Continue Reading →

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